Leif - WB9IWT

Leif, WB9IWT is getting back into CW following a 45 year pause! I am still nervous, especially when I am calling CQ… I am greatful to THE CANADIAN AMERICAN NETWORK, THE LONG ISLAND CW CLUB, and THE STRAIGHT KEY CENTURY CLUB for their help and encouragement in renewing my interest and skill as a CW operator. As a bit of history, I was awarded WN9IWT and became a novice in January of 1972. In March of 1973 I earned a Technician license, that was a mistake, as in those days a tech was not awarded HF privileges and I missed the thrill of what I considered DX. In April of 1974, following numerous hours of dropping the needle on a 33 rpm phonograph record and listening to CW, I took the train to the FCC office in Chicago to take the 13 WPM code test and perhaps move to General class. Back in those days the written test for Tech and General was the same so all I had to do was copy the all but impossible 13 WPM and become a General class operator. Well, I passed the code test and after congratulating me the test administrator suggested that I take the Advanced Class written test with no fee involved and if I passed I would walk out of the office as an Advanced Class Ham, if not I still would have succeeded in becoming a General Class Operator. I walked out of the office as an Advanced Class Operator and have not looked back. There are still a few of of us Advanced Class Ticket Holders around and I treasure mine!