Canadian-American Net

The net is on daily 7.153Mhz and starts between 9:00 and 9:15 am * The TC Net ends and hands the frequency over to us . Send all inquiries to the net Manager: Dick K2KA at

CANAM Net News

Check the very latest (February 14, 2025) solar activity from Dr.Tamitha Skov. Stealthy storms sneak off the sun and a fast wind Valentine. Check it out. Go to Space Weather News.

Checkout the comments from members in response to K2KA news email sent out weekly. Want to get this email, become a regular check in. Go to CANAM Net Info and then Members Comments to see comments from CANAM Net members. Thanks for all who contribute. The section has been updated Feb. 17, 2025.

A question was asked:”What is the highest number of check-ins on our net?” Click here to see the answer. Congrats to Rob N8BEG for the record at 64 check ins on March 8, 2022. (Ed. Note: see also the comment from Don VE3KII in Member Comments go to CANAM Net Info and then Member Comments.

Stray W8SCS has shared a video “I bet you didn’t know this about Ham Radio” click “Here” to see video it is very much worth watching the entire video. Thanks Stray for sharing.

CANAM Net Member Spotlight

This weeks member spotlight: Richard VE3OZW.  Click here to check out his member page Richard VE3OZW

CANAM Net Website Main Menu

Now CANAM (Canadian-American) and then COMSONT (Communications Ontario) nets Since 1978

This net covers mainly the Canadian and United States mid and eastern portions of the two countries. All are welcome to participate that have privileges for this portion of the band. Due to propagation variations, relays are often used to ensure all who wish are checked-in. To maximize the number of check-ins, conversations and CW exchanges are kept short. CW exchanges are encouraged but not mandatory. Net name was changed from COMSONT to CANAM to more correctly represent the membership.

The CANADIAN-AMERICAN Net operates 7 days a week on 7.153 MHz using both SSB and CW modes. FCC requires Advanced or Extra Class authorization for this portion of the 40-meter band. Industry Canada requires Advanced or Basic + Honours (B+). There is a different Net controller each day of the week.

The Net starts at 9:15am EST with check ins. General check in ends at 10:15am EST when we begin wrap ups. Wrap ups end around 10:45am EST depending on activity at that time. If there are no other callers the net will conclude, sometimes earlier than 10:45am EST. Up to, of course, the NCS.

We need both NCS and Loggers, please let Rick WN3T if you can be NCS and / or Logger his email is below and on

All are encouraged to check in as early as possible.

The Net logs all contacts using NetLogger available from . Users can see who has checked-in and communicate off-air with each other using the A.I.M. message window. See the tutorial below made by Don, VE3KII.

Current NCS and Loggers for the CANAM Net (special thanks to these guys!)

Net Controllers:  
Net Start Time (APPROX*):9:15am 
* may be earlier when TC Net hands off  
Monday:Jim WB2TJO 
Tuesday:Rick WN3T 
Wednesday:Ken VE3KRX 
Thursday:Don VE3KII 
Friday:Stray W8SCS 
Saturday:Rick WN3T 
Sunday: Doug VE3DVC 

We are always in need of active NCS and loggers. Training is available contact Rick WN3T, Assistant CANAM Net Manager,  by email at

Note: Anyone who wants to log, let the NCS know. They can promote you at anytime.

Here are the backup NCS and Loggers: Justin KG2RG, Bob KD2KKG, Dick K2KA, Mike WB2FIE, Ram KE8UEX. Germaine N8WDG. Thanks guys!

  • Want to be a backup NCS or Logger, we will train you, We are actively looking for NCS and loggers. Please let Rick WN3T, Assistant CANAM Net Manager, know if you can do NCS and / or Log? His email is

CANAM Net Motto …… “The Only Net That Does Both SSB and CW!”

Ever wonder what all the numbers mean on the Solar-Terrestrial Data? Click Here!

Meet our CANAM Net Mascot “Rusty the CW Rabbit” (SK). See his owner by clicking here.
You can find tidbits about many of our members on the Members page.
New members are added often!

CANAM Net Monthly Stats

The Net Manager updates this info (number of check ins, number of CW, total net time and the conditions of the bands for that day) daily. These data are also included in the Netlogger log. Download Netlogger at The CANAM Net Stats report is published at the end of the month and is an Excel file.  Click below month and year you want to see it in XLSX format: (here are Sept 23 to October  24)