Gary - W1SEA

Gary’s interest in Amateur Radio began in the late 1950’s. His uncle was a ham and sent notes in CW. His station was was a wonderful mystery. Gary was licensed early 1990’s as KB1BMB. He passed the 13 wpm test as novice. Tech, General , Advanced and Extra licenses followed soon after. He began his seagoing career in 1973 as a shipkeeper working his way up to Captain in 1987 sailing a variety of ships. Tankers, freighters, Bulkers to name a few.
He retired from the sea in 2021. In 2001 he received the vanity call W1SEA. His great joy was working CW from his ship. In retirement he still enjoys the challenge of pulling that weak cw contact out of the mud to complete the QSO. Station is a Kenwood 590SG. Ameritron AL 82 through a manual tuner into an off center fed dipole at 35 feet.