Ric - VE3RDA

Ric was First licenced in in the 1970’s as VE3JBO, I was active on HF and VHF until I moved to Nepean in 1982. My qth is next to the couterpoise for 3 CHU (similar to WWV) transmitters, and was within a few kilometres of three 10kw AM stations. CHU uses a sort of ssb with reinserted carrier, and with the A.M stations, the intermod, noise and splatter, essentially made the noise floor high and essentially unusable. I abandonned HF and continued on VHF and other Amateur activities.
Some of these activities were assisting in the refurbishment of Teletypewriter, and Radio equipment , assisting with people with sight and hearing disabilities , working with the Telephone Pioneers and the Pioneer Amateur Radio Club (Ottawa). On the team for Repeater VE3TEL maintenance, and Repeater Licencee for VE3RDA (remote digipeater access, the Tuscon 1200 baud TNC 2M repeater). Formed the digital radio interest group under sponsership of the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club . On the OSCAR 11 battery Team.
On the team for building a Fast Scan 450 and 900 MHz TV Repeater , PARC (Ottawa). Repair support for old equipment. Together with Joe Blanchette VE3BAD, building of VIC20 ‘TTY’ hearing impaired terminals.
With the evolution of SDR rigs and the COVID situation, decided to set up for HF at my current qth, which still has the above mentioned intermod, noise and splatter, still three CHU transmitters, the one above 40M @ 5kw, the other 2 @ 3kw, and now four 50kw A.M. stations close by, and one 30kw solar installation that is 2 blocks away, adding to the noise.
My station consists of an IC7300, AH4 to a tuned longwire, with an ERP of abt 80 watts.
In the photo, you will see the name Dick, which I was known as at work, known as Richard to friends and family, and I use Ric on the net, for fewer cw elements. Also use VE3RDA on the net , both ssb and cw.
With the filters clamped down, I can work ssb down to about S3, and cw down to about 12 db below noise. My cw rail consists of an Airforce straight key, a number 8 telegraph test board straight key, and a kit built iambic paddle keyer. I am confortable at 14 wpm and practicing to get back my old speed of 20. Below is a picture of Ric VE3RDA and Ken VE3KRX together at Ric’s shack.
Some months ago, Ken & I arranged to meet together in person and do a double check-in. Ken was visiting his son and family here in Ottawa, Fortunately, the band co-operated and we accomplished this, both of us; both modes.