Tony - VE3HDA

After 3 years in the service , Tony married and came to Canada in 1972. A few years later , one day he got a call from some gentleman from Brantford saying that he was talking to my brother and if I wanted to talk to him it had to be brief because it was a long distance call, and we did talk for a couple of minutes through some phone patch. Shortly after Tony received another call from someone local Mr Earl Kaufmam VE3CTY and said that he was talking for my brother George CT2ES In Sta Maria Island Azores. He was an Air traffic controller there. Mr. Kaufman invited me to go to his home every Wednesday at 7:00 pm to talk to George and we became very good friends. One day Tony got there and at around the said time Earl turned to me and said, ” you owe me 28 dollars”. That was a surprise and I said I was never told that I had to pay to talk on the radio and he said.: Your brother told me you were in communications in the Army, therefore I bought you the books and you are going to study and get your Ham ticket. So that is why I got into this mess , which I love very much. Thank you Earl VE3CTY (SK) Got my license in 1984 with CW at 10 WPM and my Advance 1988 with 15 WPM. Hope not to scare you.