At 1337Z on April 30, 2022 an X1.1 Flare brushed us. It was a large flare but mostly missed but was strong enough to knock out 40 meters. The net was shut down shortly after the flare hit. Rick WN3T is normally 20 over here at K2KA and when the flare hit he went to S0!! Check out this website below:
Latest Space Weather Forecast with Dr. Tamitha Skov - WX6SWW
The sun is and has been very active. Check here frequently for the latest forecasts from Dr. Tamitha Skov this forecast hot off the presses December 11, 2024.
A few months ago, April 8 to 16 has included Prominences (solar storms) after the solar eclipse, Bailey’s Beads and at the tip of one of the Prominences a Solar Slinky!!! Check out Tamitha’s video below:
Possible Cannibal CME August 18, 2022
Two links to info about the CME possible cannibal event on August 18 thanks Rick WN3T for posting this
On May 10, 2024 and that night we had AU (Aurora) activity on 6M. The KP was 8.67. The AU visible to Phone CAM in night mode but not the naked eye. This was in Westford MA at around 1045pm. Below is the NASA AU Map from yesterday.
Recording by Justin KG2RG of band noise during AU event May 10, 2024