Germain - N8WDG

Germaine has been an active ham for over 23 years. He received his Commercial FCC License at age 17, and was employed at a 50,000 watt FM radio station. Germaine has been retired from General Motors for 13 years now, and now volunteers his time as a radio technician for Lowell Area Schools WRWW 92.3 FM, and streaming at Germaine also hosts a Thursday night Rock and Roll show on WRWW from 9pm to 11pm. Germaine is an avid fisherman, boater, and loves to camp. He is very active with his wife, children, son in-law, and two grandson’s. (Ed. Note) Germaine was a past NCS on Tuesdays and is a backup controller. Germaine’s support of our group is awesome.
On November 7, 2023, I started an amateur radio Technician licensing class for four adults.
This 6 to 8 week class is held from 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the Lowell Litehouse YMCA in Lowell, Michigan 49331
The class is a combination of lecture, video , and hands-on experience.
Recently in class, the students had their first amateur radio contact with Rick WN3T near Fairfax, Virginia using Echolink.
In this class I cover everything from repeaters, HF, UHF, VHF communications, SWR , connectors, antennas, how to use HT’s, different types of feedlines, solar flares, how to properly talk on their transceiver, FCC rules and regulations, nets, and etc. Much of my knowledge obtained from my 6 years as a member of the Can-AM Net.
I use the Can-AM Net as an example of high standards in radio. Telling them it is not enough to just be able to pass a test and use a transceiver, but a ham radio operator needs to have patience, compassion for others, a desire to always improve, and willing to put aside political and religious beliefs, and just see the ham on the other side of the microphone for what he is: another human being enjoying a hobby and getting on with life!
I urge them to push to obtain all three licenses when time permits for them. Should they obtain their Amateur Extra, I urge them to join the Can-AM Net to meet outstanding people from all walks of life, ask for assistance in understanding a communication issue, and if they wish to learn CW, it is the place to start.
I have very interesting students in this class. One is a female MD who is licensed as a psychiatrist. One is a young Blackhawk pilot with the Army, and two are IT’s.
73, Germaine (N8WDG)