Each week the Net Manager K2KA sends out an email to all active members soliciting comments about their world. Below are some of the comments received so far. Please send all comments to k2ka@canamnet7153.com

From Germaine N8WDG: March 24, 2025

Just sitting here at Starbucks. Sunny day, cool, windy. Rain later! Waiting for tonight’s March Madness game with MSU-New Mexico at 8:40 pm. Every game that MSU and Michigan has been late ones. Red Wings just stink!!!!

From Ken VE3KRX: March 24, 2025

Our Prime Minister paid a visit to our Governor General today and dissolved parliament and we will have a federal election April 28. I will most likely be working for Elections Canada sometime in the next 5 weeks. (ed note: thanks Ken for your volunteer efforts)

From Jim WB2TJO: March 17, 2025

Thanks for the information, especially your comments about the length of the net. As mentioned before, the Treasure Coaster Net has been ending earlier on several occasions so we are accepting the handoff earlier to keep the frequency occupied.  What catches my attention are the ending times of the Can Am Net.  I have seen the net last till well after 11:00 a.m.  As a logger, I’m not so bothered by the time sitting, but rather managing nature calls.  My history of kidney stones means I hydrate quite a bit, so nature calls more often.  I have made arrangements to handle much of this, but there are times when the call is “more involved–lol”, so I must leave the shack.  I appeal to all Net Control stations to end the net ON TIME, even if there are more stations that wish to check in.  

From Rich VE3YW: March 17, 2025

I managed to snag VU4AX Andaman and Nicobar on 20 SSB tonight workingthem 9.4 UP.  Took me about 15 minutes which isn’t too bad and they had a TRUE 5/7 signal here which helps. Got it confirmed on Clublog too. These guys are first class ops and update their logs almost immediately. It’s a crap shoot trying to pick a good frequency to call them on. I listen for a “quiet spot” in amongst the feeding frenzy of callers, but sometimes that doesn’t work either. I tried them on CW 20 and CW on 17 today without luck. Bouvet will be reactivated in Feb 2026 so that will prove a real challenge.

From Patti KE7IR/VE3: March 17, 2025

I am starting my preparation process for returning to Sandy Island.  It takes me a LONG time to buy all needed supplies and clean and shut down this home.  I signed up for the next CW Academy class (Intermediate) which starts first week of May.  I am praying I will be able to keep up during the week to 10 day migration process. But, I figure, if it gets to be too much, I will just stop, and sign up for the next session in Sept Oct.  I listened to the Can Am net this morning.  I now, especially like, trying to copy the CW.   Sometimes I do well…other times not, but, that’s all part of the learning process, I guess. 

From Germaine N8WDG: March 17, 2025

Just in time to deal with a major equipment breakdown at a high school  FM radio station. We will be down until Tuesday as we wait for a new part to be shipped. Of course, the FCC paperwork as to how and why the station has been down so long begins! New Lowell Repeater Association Repeater is up and running. Still only 20 watts during testing. In our second week of Technician class. Students will be learning about solar flares, the Carrington Event of 1859, and a special Echolink contact with Pat, VE3HZQ on Tuesday night 6-7pm EDST. Rick, WN3T has also in the passed made ECHOLINK contacts with my students. Interesting to note four of my students are female software engineers. CW kit building is planned for after Spring break. The ECHOLINK contacts should take place through L8ARC/R

From Rick WN3T: March 9, 2025

I went to a local hamfest this morning in Vienna, Virginia. Didn’t buy anything, but I met a Fairfax County Police auxiliary police officer that had his cruiser parked in the parking lot, real nice guy, he was also a ham. He gave me the grand tour of his cruiser and even let me try on his tactical police vest. Pretty cool. (ed note: see pic in Scrapbook)

From Eugene VE3SSR: March 3, 2025

I am still mobile in Gettysburg, PA. Not always have an  opportunity to join the net, busy with customers meetings.  My ATAS-120 antenna does not tune well on 40m, so radio reduces its power from 100W to 50W because of 2:1 SWR. Still was able to work CanAm today and some days before. Next time, when travel I will bring my  SD-330 which is not fully automatic, but tunes perfectly well on all HF bands, though it is a bit heavier than ATAS. Bands are very quiet in my FM19JT QTH since there are not too many industries around here. Will try to find better grounding to my antenna to reduce the SWR

From Patti KE7IR/VE3: March 3, 2025

I have finished CW Academy, Beginner course.  I plan to enroll in Intermediate Class for the months of May and June.  I have started having brief CW qso’s in places that cater to beginners, like the Slow Speed contests. If I ever get up early enough to still have propagation on 7.153, I will see if I can check in. (ed. note: Congrats Patti, soon you’ll be better than most on 7153)

From Rich VE3YW: March 2, 2025

I managed to finally get the Christmas Island dxpedition on 17 SSB this morning and I had a contact into 9N7AA Kathmandu Nepal on 20 SSB as well as China BA4TB. (ed note: Congrats Rich!!)

From Jim WB2TJO: February 28, 2025

Finally made it to Hamilton, ON on Wednesday, February 26th  to see my buddy of 50 years, Lee (KB2IHG).  Also met with Don (VE3DHG) and saw his new tower and HF beam.  Absolutely beautiful. A nice neat and clean installation to say the LEAST!  The mosley beam looks majestic up 32 feet.  Then visited with Dave, VA3CP, and saw his impressive model railroad set up.  An extremely well thought out layout with incredible attention to detail.  Superb lighting and sound effects!  Complete remote control operation, and the track switching control panel was professionally wired by Dave.  Hard to believe all the talent that exists among the Can Am Net members.  Thank you Don and Dave for being gracious hosts! 

From Ken VE3KRX: February 28, 2025

Since we retired, my wife Deborah and I have worked at both Federal and Provincial elections.  It is a great way to get out in the community, meet new friends and reacquaint with old ones.  This past week I have been involved with our recent Provincial election which was officially held yesterday in Ontario.  For this election, as in past elections, I was the official tabulator at the Advance Poll and on Polling Day.  We are a small community within the Municipality of Greenstone so only one tabulator was required for Geraldton.  This involved long hours for 4 days from 8am to 10pm at our local Legion and Community Centre.  A one-day training session was completed in Thunder Bay, 300kms away.   A Dominion tabulator is used, which is supplied by Elections Ontario, and it was my responsibility to insert the ballots using secrecy folders (once the elector has cast their vote using an X) into the machine which then counts the votes. Each night I lock the tabulator (including the processed ballots) safely away thereby securing the vote.  Once polls were closed at 9pm on Polling Day, I tabulated the vote by pushing a button resulting in everything being counted electronically by candidate.  Results are immediate and the information was then forwarded on to the riding office. (ed note: thanks Ken for dedication and all you do for our net)(also I can’t figure out why this is bold, can’t seem to change?)

From Dave WB4DES: February 27, 2025

Busy day with my brother visiting from Albany NY. Yes I am thinking about a 40 dipole just above the gutter.  You have seen the Hustler vertical on my QRZ page which does work.  It has 3 resonators on it and not the 4 shown in the picture.  One can’t have the center position filled.  Get terrible common mode feedback which I only discovered in a QSO on 40. Again I am not sure even with the dipole that my reception would improve but will give it a try as the weather warms up here. I will be on tomorrow morning. 

From Ken VE3KRX: February 27, 2025

This week I was tabulator for advanced poll Elections Ontario for 3 days and will put in 14 hours on Thursday as Tabulator for election day. Meeting lots of people! (ed note: more info on what Ken was doing later)

From Rick WN3T: February 27, 2025

Very good news that you are back home and recovering from the UTI. I’m guessing if your wife had not taken you to the hospital immediately it could have been worse. I bet that the hospital getting you on IV antibiotics right away improved the outcome immensely. Nothing new with me, other than still not being able to work the VK9XU – very frustrating – I usually can’t even hear them, but when I do, their signal is very weak. Also FYI – I got a phone call from Stray W8SCS about an hour ago – unfortunately his father-in-law passed away this afternoon. He was in a hospital about 2 hours from Stray’s house, was surrounded by family and passed away peacefully. (ed note: we all pass along our condolences to Stray and Tonya.)

From Dick K2KA: February 27, 2025

3am Saturday 22nd I went to the hospital. 103 temp and shaking badly. It was a UTI like I had two years ago. Except this time it did not get septic. Caught it early enough. Back home Monday 24th and was doing better. However Tuesday 25th I woke up with symptoms of a cold. So now I have a full blown cold. The guy I was in the room with Saturday night had a cough, so I asked to be moved and was so but not soon enough I guess. 

From Dick K2KA: February 20, 2025

Was busy Tuesday the 18th am clearing 12” snow we got Sat nite into Sun nite topped with 1” of frozen precip and then rain late Sun nite. Monday came and went waiting for my plow guy to plow againa dn maybe sand? He did arrive Tuesday but was not able to sand.  Then it got real cold and all froze! UGH! What a mess. Cleared garage, wood shed and driveway. Then brought town wood. Phew! This combo of snow and topped with ice is terrible. I have cleats on my shoes to be able to walk.

From Rob N8BEG: February 20, 2025

Just cleared 2-3′ of snow off of my roof. That was just the bulk top layer of it leaving a layer 8-12″ deep. I have snow piles around House and driveway that are, in some places 7′ high. No where else to throw snow up  near the House as we walk thru narrow path tunnels to get to wood shed. Wood shed has 4′ of snow on it. My rear deck had snow piled up to the roof line. You could literally walk up on it and step up on to the roof. Haven’t had this much snow in decades.We are paying the price for late season warmth last year. Lake Michigan too warm.

From Patti KE7IR/VE3: February 17, 2025

I just returned from the Yuma Az Hamfest.  About a 5 hour drive from where I live.  I had fun meeting hams from this region.  Some long time, some new, but all fine folks. I bought some raffle tickets and I won.  See photo here. IC7300 (ed. note Congrats Patti)

From Eugene VE3SSR: February 17, 2025

Was trying to participate the ARRL contest from our club station located near Niagara Falls, but severe snow storm ruined my plans. I have modest antennas at my QTH which are good for local QSOs, but not for international contests. Our team started on Friday and by Saturday evening they did around 1000 QSOs. My turn was today (Sunday), but driving 50 miles on snowy and icy road would be dangerous. So, will be waiting for other contests.

From CJ KD2TZX: February 17, 2025

Nothing ham related but just returning from Montreal where the 4 Nations Face-Off for the NHL took place. I was hoping to make a contact but it didn’t happen.  See the pic from Montreal here: 4 Nations Face off Montreal CA

From Richard VE3OZW: Febrruary 17, 2025

Thanks Dick.  I always read your emails when they arrive.  keep up the good work.  Also thanks for the member spotlight, I don’t really deserve it as I haven’t checked in for a longggggg time.  I never seem to be in the shack after 9 and when I am the CanAm net is usually in full swing.  I will make an effort to get checked in soon. As for what is going on in my world?  Snowblowing and snowmobiling have taken priority with about 3’ of snow on the property here in Southern Bruce County.  I like snow, but I think we have enough.  Also as the Assistant Net Manger, I am busy with ONTARS scheduling and also hanging out on 3.755.  Plus, making an effort to get started AGAIN with learning CW.  I just bought a couple new to me keys and looking forward to getting them on the air.  All lots of fun.  

From Rick WN3T: February 17, 2025

Got about 8″ of snow last Tues/Wed but it melted pretty quickly with above average temps. They are calling for a possible major storm here this Wed/Thurs possibly up to 12″. Main accomplishment last week was getting my Taxes done. I use Turbo Tax Premier. It was slightly more complicated this year since 2024 was the first year I had to do a RMD (Requirement Minimum Distribution) since I turned 73 last year. Not really participating in the ARRL CW Contest this weekend, other than working V73WW on 40 cw this morning.

From Rich VE3YW: February 11, 2025

Thanks for the news letter. Band condx have been up and down of late on HF. Did call CQ on 20 meters today and HS0ZMY from Thailand came back to me. Nice guy called Denis near bangkok. was a true 5/9 too being over the north pole. Now check THIS out. It’s a very fine CW tutorial developed by some guy in Quebec VE2ZDX. I must say I am impressed as a former CW tutor. You can adjust speed, tone and have it send random words, letters and numbers. The link is:  https://ve2zdx.com/toolkit/morse-code

From Dave VA3CP: February 10, 2025

I have been working a bit on them model railroad.  Jim WB2TJO thought he might be in Hamilton on Tuesday but plans have changed for him.  He was going to come over and visit as well as see the model railroad. Worked 30 stations on the SKCC Weekend Sprintathon using the hacksaw blade sideswiper.  When I first saw a Cootie Key, I thought they might be the stupid thing in amateur radio.  Now that I have got the hand go it, I find they are better than a straight key.  They are less tiring and I can key a little faster than I can on a straight key.  

From Germaine N8WDG: February 10, 2025

I am very much aware of the Stergeon fishing event up north of me. Burt Lake and Black Lake is about 3.5 hours from me. They even have some white colored Sturgeon, but I think they are off limits. We have Sturgeon in the Grand River here in my home town of Lowell. The Detroit River has Sturgeon. I think the DNR netted a huge female Sturgeon tha was over 100 years old in the Detroit River two years ago.that The Grand Rapids Public Museum have a Sturgeon room with live frys for you to see. Thanks for sharing. I am advid fisherman.

From Stray W8SCS: February 9, 2025

Stray W8SCS has shared a video “I bet you didn’t know this about Ham Radio” click “Here” to see video it is very much worth watching the entire video. Thanks Stray for sharing.

From Rick WN3T: February 6, 2025

I was not able to make the net this morning (Feb. 6, 2025) because we had an ice storm and my power was out for 3 hours and 40 minutes. I have no battery backup or generator so I couldn’t’ transmit, however I used my little portable shortwave receiver with a telescopic whip sitting on my kitchen table to listen to the net. I could not hear you Don, but I heard Dick K2KA, Stray W8SCS, and heard WB2TJO very strong. Amazing with just a little telescopic whip.

From Mike WB2FIE: February 3, 2025

Happy to see that it is Warming up over there. As fer myself, I am tired of chipping Ice and Snow every morning. At least the Plow Guy is earning his Money for the first time in 3 Years. It has been Around 10F/6c in the morning most days. Wish that I had 2 Wood stoves instead of 2 but Fireplaces. One up & 1 in the Basement. They look good, but no Heat slaters, it just doesn’t pay to light them just for the Ambiance. Take Care, And Thank Doug for updating the PRF file.

From Rich VE3YW: February 3, 2025

Congrats on working Hong Kong on 80. I do not have any antenna for 80 and my 40 meter dipole isn’t the best for DX. I had fun working the WWA Award station during the month of January and managed to come in 8th place in Canada just working 2 modes SSB/CW. The guys who beat me were all working 5 modes ! so I think I did quite well coming in at number 8. Getting a bit tired of the cold wx these day. I seem to get more “grumpy” as I get older. hi hi.

From Pat VE3HZQ: February 3, 2025

Quiet here dick, have been to see my cardiologist. and my doctor about heart issues all gud ..do not have to go back and see them for 6 months I have been ncs on various nets ontars tpn laurentian net and checked into several more have got to get back to chasing dx soon (ed note: Thanks for being our NCS and glad all is good health wise.)

From Rick WN3T: February 3, 2025

We got 0.8 inches of much needed rain yesterday, and we’re supposed to get a warmup tomorrow to about maybe 58F. My left eye has recovered nicely from cataract surgery a little over a month ago so both eyes now have super vision hihi. Still enjoying my new ElectroVoice RE-20 mic, getting great audio reports from it. Both 10 & 12 meters seem to be open today, just worked The Gambia C5PL on 12m, he was also a POTA.

From Stray W8SCS: February 3, 2025

Only thing going on in my world is work and snow moving!  I would say snow removal, but I just push it out of the way to another spot in the yard Hi Hi, so no “removal” just movement of Alaskan Topsoil as Ricky would say! 

From Gary VE3JGK: February 3, 2025

I tackled winter field day recently for the first time and it went well. 20M was really hopping. I stayed nice and warm in my campervan since it has a propane furnace. The rig used was my icom 7300 with a tripod mount Gabil manual screwdriver antenna.  (ed note: see pics in the Scrapbook)

From Patti KE7IR/VE3: February 3, 2025

We are starting to warm up here.  I am a little embarrassed to even mention it, because compared to the rest of the world, we never got cold.  But, the difference is, nighttime temperatures are only dropping to about 40 degrees and we are into the 70’s during the day.  I am hoping that my next electric bill will show some reduction.  I try, try, try not to run the heater much, but, it has been necessary during January.  (This house is all electric) I continue to study, minimum an hour a day on CW.  Many days I go well over that time.  I am really enjoying the brain exercise.  I do no know if I will every become “fluent” in CW, but, I know I am getting better.  The CW Academy program is very effective, if you can discipline yourself to devote the expected study time. I expect to be pretty busy next week.  Monday I go to the dentist for the imaging to be used for making the “tooth” to be placed on my already in place implant.  There have been some unexpected delays, so it will be good to finally get this completed.  I also have an odd swelling in my left lymph node just under the jaw line.  I suspect something amuck with a molar, but, hopefully the dentist can also shed some light on that as it has been a bit uncomfortable.  Not really painful, but, annoying. Always something to complain about, I guess.   I will also be spending Thursday with my grandson’s class.  I volunteer every Weds helping with reading and math. The weekend of Feb 14 I will be driving to Yuma, Az to attend the hamfest.  Several of my ham friends from this region are going, so it will be fun to meet in person several of my radio buddies.

From Doug VA3YDM: February 3, 2025

I am in chaos here, getting ready to move to much smaller digs after retiring at the end of 2024. The radio hobby will be impacted with the move, and having to string a new antenna. That will have to wait until late spring I’m afraid. In the meantime, I’m going back on 2 meters, and connecting with Allstar and Echolink only until the HF antenna goes up. I’m thinking an end fed 132-134 foot wire, and a 4:1 UNI transformer will be the quickest way to get up again. Wish me luck! I have no idea what leave of QRN and QRM I will have at the new digs. I run just below S9 in my urban setting, so I hope in the sticks, I will see a much lower background.

From Mike VE1ASE: January 30, 2025

We were away in PA for three months to year end; spending time with our oldest son and family. Our daughter-in-law is dealing with some recent health issues; so it was great to be able to be there for them.  I have never upgraded to a recent more capable base HF station; operate my old FT-101E of the early 70s HI HI along with my old pal the 706 MkII.  I’m seriously looking at the Icom 756 ProIII this week as a greay rig for my needs.  Anything beyond that is really not necessary as I am mostly a CW op. Really enjoy this net but QSB has been bad here in the far east (AST time zone). All the best to everyone.

From Jim VE3BRL: January 27, 2025

Dick would you believe the yaesu ft1000 field has tinny audio, the old tentec delta 580 50 years old sounds great with a better signal to noise ratio.    so i am checking into the net on ssb with the tentec and switching to the yaesu for cw is tentec still in business? hope  your health is great, so  73, from jim ve3brl  nothing like made in the us— ps i enjoy your canam web site very much  sk

From Roy KC9JQN: January 27, 2025

I have been off the air since December of 2023, fighting a battle with laryngeal cancer. After 31 radiation treatments, I am now cancer-free but it took some while to recover from the side effects of the aforementioned. I will try to get up in time to join the net next week (having trouble sleeping). Thanks to all of the Net control ops for running a fun net. I look forward to seeing you soon.

From Dave KD2EH: January 27, 2025

Well…WFD is over.  My club had 4 SSB stations, and one CW station, all in one (warm) building. I worked the paddles while another CW member did the logging.  This was the first time I joined a group effort at a field day adventure, and it was great fun. We were always several contacts ahead of the Phone group.  Now we’re already making plans for June field day. 

From VE3HZQ: January 27, 2025

Cold cold wx has left enjoying the warmer temperatures. Battery in truck decided not to work, had to take wire off of positive post to reset truck computer, first time I have had that happen. Extra zoom course going well. At 70 yrs old hard to sit and concentrate hi hi. Pretty quiet on radio.

From Eugene VE3SSR: January 20, 2025

This week I am in Texas and have slim chances to participate the net. You have mentioned that  Advance or Extra Class required for the net frequency. What about General (US) or Basic with Honor (Canada)? It looks like they are allowed too. (ed note: FCC requires Advanced or Extra Class authorization for this portion of the 40-meter band. Industry Canada requires Advanced or Basic + Honours (B+))

From Patti KE7IR/VE3: January 20, 2025

All is well here.  Wx is cold for us here is AZ, but, most of you would laugh.  Temperatures drop to about 28 degrees overnight, then warm to about 60 during the day.  I took a walk down to the mailbox about an hour ago and it was quite nice being in the sun.  I have been focusing on studying.  CW Academy requires a commitment of one hour per day of study.  Tomorrow will be Session #5.   I am happy with my progress, thus far.  Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm.  I look forward to chatting with you over the summer months from Sandy Island, Ontario, Canada.

From Pat VE3HZQ: January 20, 2025

I am taking the extra class license on zoom every Thursday nite they had 451 students on zoom on Thursday nite for the course..cannot wait to finish course and pass my license. will keep my general license KD2TKS. the course runs for 11 weeks

From Eugene VE3SSR: January 13, 2025

Currently I am fighting with strong local RFI in my shack. Turned off power in my house, RFI still there. There are no RFI 30ft away from the shack. Apparently I need to investigate it with my neighbour.

From Rick WN3T: January 13, 2025

I’ve been working a few SKCC contacts this weekend in the WES. Also worked a few K3Y stations for SKM SKCC event. Also, the Northern VA/DC area had about 6-7″ of snow on Monday which was the most snow we’ve had in several years. With just 6″ of snow, area schools ended up being closed for 4 days! This area is just not prepared for any snow at all. The good news was, it was a light, powdery snow (not heavy), so no damage at all to my HexBeam or other antennas.

From Bill VE3EKJ: January 13, 2025

I’m newly signed in but not very active on the air at the moment. A lingering bad cold is slowing me down. Same thing every winter, I guess! 🙂I’m a senior and my wife has passed so I live alone with a dog and cat. I prefer boat anchors, much to the cat’s pleasure! She loves to curl up on top of a rig with tubes! I do have a Yaesu FT-817 I acquired that I have been slowly accumulating gear and kit to start going out on POTA activations when the spring brings warmer temperatures. Fat old men need all the exercise they can get! 🙂 Meanwhile, I have a house full of old Heathkit stuff. About half a dozen HW-101s, some Swans, a National NCX-500, an Eico “Drifty Three” and lots more are slowly being restored. I love the old gear! I don’t get much thrill out of Chinese appliances and dread the very thought of trying to repair one. I have the theory and experience. It’s just that modern rigs are no longer made with any intention of easy servicing. My frustration level gets more acute as I get older! 🙂 I run two HF antennae – a GAP Challenger vertical and an 80/40 linearly loaded horizontal dipole. The dipole is only 15 feet up – I find the vertical often skips right over the net traffic on the lower bands. The high angle from the dipole works FAR better! Surprisingly, the dipole sometimes is better on DX. I figure the Propagation Gods have never read the books. They also seem to have a sense of humour! 🙂 Even though I’m not checking in while I fight this cold rest assured I often monitor the net traffic. I learn a lot from those giving their QTH about the pattern from either antenna. I’ll never be a DX winner but in over 50 years of being a ham I’ve never been interested in contesting anyway. I prefer to chew the rag and if it’s a DX contact so much the better. I did pick up a 50 watt amplifier for the FT-817 QRP rig but frankly, I’m a bit embarrassed to admit to caving in to the desire for such high power! My main HF rig these past few years has been a Uniden 2020 but it developed a problem. Before I started to fix it I acquired an old Yaesu FTDX-401. It seems to have a few problems as well but nothing that can’t be fixed with a new relay. It will let me get some use out of the 5 or 6 pairs of 6KD6s I have in stock. As I said, the cat will love it!🙂So that’s what goes on in my world, Dick! Hope somebody finds it interesting! 

From Patti KE7IR: January 13, 2025

Have started CW Academy.  I’m in a beginning class.  Monday will be class 3.  Having fun learning.  

From Rick WN3T: January 5, 2025

The local news media is getting everyone here all spun up for the predicted 5-8″ of snow due to hit late tonight into tomorrow (Monday). We rarely get a measurable snowfall so anything over 1-2″ they treat as snowmageddon! But I’m ready with my snowblower!

From Richard VE3LSZ: January 5, 2025

I am co-teaching the basic qualifications class for the North Shore Amateur Radio Club. We have 40 students with half of them being students of Ontario Tech University. There seems to be interest in CW with the students and the club in general. (Congrats Richard for your involvement ed K2KA)

From Jim VE3BRL: January 3, 2025

i enjoyed your website so modern and up to date, my shack is full of old nostalgia arc5/ r390a/apache tx1/ hammarlund sp600, could not rest until i purchased the sp600. i am 86 yrs old now, windows 7 was a revelation lol   73 and thank you for your dedication to ham radio and the 7153 net  work..p.s.just got my first flip cell phone this year

From Dave KD2EH: December 30, 2024

We had a White Christmas in Western NY this year.  We were hopeful, but didn’t think it would happen.  But on Christmas Morning there was 3 inches of the white stuff at this QTH.  With shopping, wrapping gifts, sending cards and visits with friends and family, we had little time for on-air operation.  The Christmas snow is gone, lots of rain here now. I enjoy the CANAM email from you each week.  So…thanks for that…and keep it up.

From Rick WN3T: December 30, 2024

Even though I have a OCF160 dipole that works ok on 160, I never get on 160, mainly because I get a lot of noise here at my QTH on 160, and it is open best late at night, and I never stay up that late. FYI, you probably know that the Stew Perry 160m cw contest is this weekend. I had a nice Christmas visiting my good friend John W3JEB and his XYL at their new house in Harrington, Delaware. John has a nice ham station even though he’s in an HOA. I really liked his ElectroVoice RE-20 mic and his RC-28 controller hooked up to his IC7610, and liked them so much I ordered the same setup for myself. Waiting on delivery … should have everything right after New Years. Will send some pics and a review once I get them.

From Eugene VE3SSR: December 30, 2024

Yesterday we operated multi/single in Canada RAC Winter contest from our VE3YAA club station which is located near Niagara Falls. Did 800 QSOs (mostly CW) which is not too bad for this “soft” contest. Experiencing S9 noise level from my home QTH, so quite often I have to operate mobile. (Ed. note: Eugene has an impressive mobile setup and operates CW and SSB. See the pic of his mobile vehicle in the Scrapbook and his Member Page)

From Justin KG2RG: December 13, 2024

Thanks Justin for sharing. A documentary podcast titled: Morse Code Ready to Transmit. At the world Morse Code championships in Tunisia, competitors must battle to be the fastest and most accurate at sending and receiving Morse code. Check it out


From Rich VE3YW: December 1, 2024

I have arranged for Rob N8BEG to have free parking anywhere in the USA and Canada. His permit is on the main page of the website and on Rob’s member page.

From Eugene VE3SSR: December 1, 2024

I (K2KA) just worked KL7 Alaska on 6M Great achievement! Congratulations.

“ Rob N8BEG is now the official CANAM Net Wise Guy/Meteorologist”

Well done, Rob! I believe you are also great HF propagation prognosticator.

From Pat VE3HZQ: November 21, 2024

(In response to K2KA email thanking Pat for great job logging) tnx fer kind words dick. I appreciated all the help my first time logging as u say greatest net in the world with the greatest people!!!

From Rich VE3YW: November 18, 2024

DX has been good on 10 and 20 of late and easy contacts into Madagascar, Kenya, Mauritius and Reunion Island as well as regular openings into the Middle East (A71, 9K, 7Z and HZ). as well as LP into VK all on both CW and SSB. I do have a personal peeve though about the misuse of the DX cluster by POTA stations. One station in CA “infested” the DX cluster with other North American calls spotting POTA stations and I mean INFESTED it to the point I sent him and email. Out of 60 spots, 40 or so were POTA spots by him. It’s like me spotting every Can-Am station of 40 during the net on the DX cluster. It abuses the purpose of the cluster. I gather he received my email as shortly after, he ceased doing it. Glad you are enjoying 6 meters. I do not have and antenna for 6 regretfully…A winter project perhaps. 

From Stray W8SCS: November 18, 2024

Been a fun-filled week here at the Stray QTH.  Got a new bug added to my small collection of keys, thx for posting on the web page.  It is a 1940 McElroy Deluxe 600 series bug that I purchased from another Michigan Ham and it is in extremely good condition considering its age.  The original data sticker that was located on the top of the “T” bar has deteriorated away, but everything else is in good shape and works flawlessly ! I used it on this past Saturday’s Net and also used it to complete my 100th bug QSO to earn the Triple Key Award from SKCC.  For those not familiar, the TKA award is issued when you successfully work 300 unique SKCC members with a straight key, cootie key and bug key (100 each).  It was a lot of fun and I just love working with a piece of history!! 73 everyone es see ya on the net!

From Eugene VE3SSR: November 11, 2024

I am discovering 220 MHz band. Installed 5-el beam so now I can participate local nets on this band.  Today worked CanAm net mobile from CA-1369 park. Surprisingly nice reports! Used Tarheel HP-40 antenna, FTdx10 radio and Ameritron ALS-500 amp. 

From Robert VE3OAA (K7TSK): November 11, 2024

Thanks for the email and taking my check-in this morning. Although I have been a ham since August 2023, I am new to HF, mainly due to lack of access to a workable HF antenna. As you can see from my QRZ page, I live most of the time in Scottsdale, Arizona. My place in Arizona is a town house condo with restrictive HOA rules. I don’t have a good solution for a workable HF antenna at that location yet. When I am in Canada, I live in Vaughan, Ontario. Here I have a bit more flexibility. I have had some luck setting up a long wire (43′) antenna. However, since my place in Vaughan is currently undergoing renovation, I am staying at an Airbnb in Aurora. I was able to string up a long wire antenna in Aurora, but I could only have it about 12′ off the ground. The antenna works OK for 20m and 10m, but I couldn’t get the VSWR down to an acceptable level in 40m despite using the FC-40 automatic antenna tuner with my FT-991A. I was pleasantly surprised that I could get out at all. I will continue to try to check-in while I am here in Aurora. However, past the end of this month, I won’t be able to check in again unless I can find a good enough antenna to use in Arizona. Best regards, Robert VE3OAA (K7TSK)

From Rich VE3YW: November 4, 2024

DX has been quite good on 10 and 20 of late. Burkino Faso XT2MD has been active with big pile ups. I managed to work them  of SSB on 20 and CW on 10. Also Madagascar and Reunion Island were active on 10 this morning on CW so I snagged them too. CW is great as it is easier to work the DX on that mode. If they are “split” 5-10 uop I always go on 5 OR 10 never in the middle as being on the edge is easier to be heard than being in the middle. One of these days I will write a few words about “How to break the pile ups” (Ed. Note: yes 10 has been great worked VK9CV on 10. Also 6M has been open each day)

From Stray W8SCS: November 2, 2024

Made my first ever bug QSO today with VE3BRL without too many mistakes lol. It is approximately a 1973 Vibroplex Champion Bug based on their S/N historical data at Vibroplex’s site. Found it on eBay for $105 from a Ham in Minnesota. In the pics I’ve used a small binder clip w/ a Sierra MatchKing .308 caliber 180gr bullet to slow the dits down to about 18-20wpm lol (see pic in ScrapBook go to CANAM Net Info and then CANAM Net Scrapbook)

From Doug VE3DVC: October 26, 2024

Thanks Dick, K2KA:       Thanks for posting that info. (on the main page under CANAM Net News “the highest number of check ins”) It shows the level of involvement in our net and Ham Radio in general. Great Job on the Website.

From Don VE3KII: October 26, 2024

Thanks Doug for the summary of 60 Plus counts. For those who are interested in some trivial information, I checked my records back to 2003. On August 13,  2013, Bob, K8LJ was filling in as Net Control for Marty, WB9TNQ. The results for that day: Count 65 and time 97 minutes. The Solar Figures were 129. A=9 K=1.00 and sunspot count 124. The previous solar cycle had not reached it peak yet. The solar activity was no where Near what we are seeing during this cycle. We had just started cw operations on February 12, 2013, so most of the check-ins for K8LJ’s record were ssb. Looks like K8LJ still holds the highest check-in record.   Also interesting is the daily count average for 2013 years ago was about 38 per day. (Ed. Note: In my eyes Rob N8BEG has the highest check in total in current day SSB/CW format)

From Doug VE3GVW: October 23, 2024

Doug here VE3GVW. I’m going to be on the air again soon. The control box for my magnetic loop is being replaced with a wireless version. no more cable from the shack except for the feedline. Ill be using my Iphone or Ipad to tune the Magloop Antenna. Should be on in a few weeks, don’t forget me I’ll be back

From Mike WB2FIE: October 22, 2024

Glad to see that you had a tremendous visit with your  family. I have not been on the NET for over 2 weeks. Everyone is one Sick Puppy. We are all Heart Patients so we cannot take most Meds to cure it. Hopefully I will be back in a while..I have missed the NET for about 15 days. God Bless (ed. note) Mike thoughts and prayers your way. Please get better and come on the net we miss you!)

From Ken VE3KRX: October 22, 2024

SB200 arrived last night. Will set it up on Wednesday afternoon and get some training. Interesting about your son in law, our grandson is on an apprenticeship with Equinox Gold mine in Geraldton as heavy equipment technician. They no longer call them mechanics. Too technical these days! Hi ((ed. note) will be great to hear you Ken 3 -5 s units louder special thanks to Jim WB2TJO, Justin KG2RG, and all others who helped get the amp to Ken) I  am in Thunder Bay today and tomorrow.

From Dick K2KA: October 21, 2024

Just back from my trip to Prescott AZ to visit my daughter. Weather was great. We actually had snow on the 18th in Prescott! But it warmed up that day. We did a lot of visiting with my daughter and her Corgi. We rented a house in Prescott https://nexaerorental.com/property/rosser-house/ it was same price when all totaled to a hotel but had 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and enclosed back yard with fire pit. Was awesome. We visited with my daughters husband when he could. Her husband works nights at a mine in Baghdad AZ. He’s not a miner rather a heavy equipment operator / supervisor. They are digging a trench to remove copper from the mine via water. They are removing millions of yards of sand each day. The operation runs 24 hrs 7 days a week. We toured Prescott and of course Whiskey Row.

From Eugene VE3SSR: October 11, 2024

I’ve spent this week in Texas having no chance to participate CanAm net due to time constrains. Will be NET active from tomorrow till Tuesday, next week. After that I will be  traveling back to my office in Denton, TX. When I travel I have my mobile setup: FT-891, Diamond SD-330 and MFJ-336 strong magnetic mount in the roof of my rental car. With this setup I’ve received a lot of 59s on NATA and OMISS evening nets and plenty of DX stations.

From Mike WB2FIE: October 6, 2024

No Aurora here..It was Thunder Storming & Lightniing Til aout 10 Pm then Cloudy. Have a Great week. WB2TJO must have had one Heck of a time with the Storm coming thru his place !!!!

From Dave K8VOK: October 6, 2024

After the last few years of floods in my area I was thinking of setting up a low pwr FM or AM station for my area. If you know anyone with some info on this send them my way. Seems I read somewhere it is ok as long as i keep the pwr down.

From Don VE3KII: October 6, 2024

Thanks for the October 6, 2024 Check-in and 1st. time files. Your Aurora photo is nice. Unfortunately, we have to much light pollution, so did not see anything. Right now we are having a small electrical storm,. Lots of lightning and thunder and a bit of rain.

From Eugene VE3SSR: October 6, 2024

Thanks for the e-mail. I had not seen aurora, but enjoying overwhelming opening on 12 and 10m bands. Next week I am in Texas and most possibly will be unable to participate the net. Usually I am busy during net hours and my mobile setup is not powerful enough to reach the net from Texas. Will try anyway.

From CJ KD2TZX: October 2, 2024

Referring to CJ’s Sep. 28 comment, wife and a crew of friends wanted to do big trip for the people turning 50, so that was Punta Cana. Now the NJ Devils are already in Prague to open the season and my oldest said he was going.  He got there Sunday. So now tomorrow I will fly there to meet him and watch the games. (ed. Note CJ is now a world traveler.)

From Aldo VA3AG: October 1, 2024

The IPO in the FT-991A does not work and also ATT does not work The 991A is on it’s way to Yaesu to be repaired.
There is a resistor at the front end rated for a 1/10th of a watt that blows when there are other transmitters near by, the 991a does not have to be on for this to happen all that it needs is for an antenna to be connected to it. It is covered under the warranty so no problem.

From Jim WB2TJO: October 1, 2024

We, as NCS and Loggers, always wonder how we are doing and looking for advice to do a better job.  As far as early hand offs from the TC Net, I always monitor their net at least 1/2 hour before scheduled hand off.  I get a sense of band conditions and number of check ins.  If check in numbers appear low, I anticipate an early hand off and open up Netlogger for our net a bit early.  We have to just “go with the flow”.  (ed. Note: Thanks Jim for your wisdom)

From Don VE3KII: September 29, 2024

Good to hear that you (K2KA) have a cooperative power company and your noise problem is gone. Not sure if it is a sign of the season but a huge wild turkey walked down our street yesterday. Just like he was out for an afternoon stroll.   Thanks for the September 28 2024 updated files.   Beautiful day here at 72 F. Thoughts and prayers go out to all those h who have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. It will be a long time before things get back to some semblance of normal.

From Rick WN3T: September 28, 2024

The rain gauge on my Acurite weather station died, after working flawlessly for about 8 years, so I just went ahead and ordered a new weather station (same model) from Walmart, received the new one yesterday and got it up and running with no issues. Hopefully the new one will last at least 8 years or more!

From CJ KD2TZX: September 28, 2024

CJ is down in the Dominican Republic enjoying the heat and humidity. See his picture “here”

From Dick K2KA: September 28, 2024

Well my (K2KA) S9 QRN is gone. I had this noise for a couple months. I sent an email to the local electric company and they came out and fixed it. The bands have been pretty good lately. I worked 7Q Malawi and E6 Niue on 10M yesterday. Starting to do the fall projects getting ready for winter. Today will be sealing the deck attached to my screened in three season porch. November is a busy DXpedition month. Go to http://dx-world.net  click on the Featured DXpeditions Timeline. I print this out and keep it with what bands I need them on. Really helps. Lately constantly searching for new band countries. 6M has been pretty dead here. The F2 openings have not made it here. Has anyone worked anything interesting on 6 these days?

From Dick K2KA: September 24, 2024

Sad news from Greg AA2SX. He lost his dog. Had Cushings and needed to be put down. Thoughts and condolences to Greg and family. We get so attached to animals and they don’t live long enough. Lost many horses and 2 dogs here. Still miss them.

From Dave VA3CP: September 22, 2024

Not much happening here other than I have  my leg surgery date of October 11 when they are going to remove the hardware in my right leg, clean up whatever is  preventing the two parts of the tibia from knitting back together then reassemble everything.  It will be three years this coming February when I broke the tibia and fibula in my right leg on some black ice a few blocks from home.  (Ed. Note we all wish you the best of luck and prayers your way for a 100% fix and speedy recovery.)

From Jim WB2TJO: September 22, 2024

Dick-received your email just fine.  Thanks for all the info.  My health insurance is not on Groupers list but I sent them information like you did.  We’ll see what happens! (Ed. Note I actually did get on the site and my Aetna plan is covered. I have the Aetna Medicare  Advantage Plan. K2KA.)

From Ken VE3KRX: September 22, 2024

You will be happy to know I am buying an SB200 from Justin KG2RG, Jim WB2TJO is helping coordinate the purchase. Thanks Justin and Jim.

From Ron VE3FMW: September 22, 2024

Ron was nominated the spotlight member for this week. He says thanks dick and all who checkin to the canam net …   as the doctor ordered … “always start your day with a dose of cw!”

From Rick WN3T and Dick K2KA: September 22, 2024

FYI, We never heard of Grouper association with the ARRL, but we just signed up and it accepted us. Rick has AARP United Health Care Supplemental Medicare insurance. Dick also signed up and has Aetna Medicare Advantage. We hope we get $50 and the $20 every three months for our involvement in the CANAM Net. Check it out: Click Here

From Rick WN3T: September 17, 2024

Rich VE3YW will be in Cornwall UK for 2 weeks using his callsign G0TZD keep an ear out for him on the HF bands.

From CJ KD2TZX: September 16, 2024

Spent some time down in Wildwood, NJ at the Firefighters Convention.

From Dick K2KA: Sunday September 15, 2024

I have been working the ARRL VHF/UHF Contest Sep 14 and 15. It End’s at 0259z Monday.  Yesterday I worked  a bunch of 2M including 7 states. 1 contact on 70cm. It’s fun to operate these bands that I do not regularly frequent. Hoping for some ES openings on 6. Worked 7 states as well on 6. No ES opening tho. Yesterday on 6 worked as far south as PA. On 2 and 70cm I am using the FT991A with 10el yagi on 2 and 20 element yagi on 70 cm both atop the house at 30 feet. On 6 meters the radio is a IC-7610 and ACOM 700s amp. I have a 7 element yagi on a 30 foot boom at 40 feet atop my barn. This antenna runs super well. Final number 50 Q’s and 24 multipliers (different grid squares).

From Dick K2KA: Tuesday September 10, 2024

Was supposed to take a CT River Cruise to see swallows on Saturday. Second year in a row it was cancelled because of weather ☹ A front came though just at the time the cruise would start!! Click this >> https://ctriverquest.com/portfolio/swallow/ .Fortunately we had alternate plans to tour Niantic CT, cozy little sea town. Maybe next year. It’s so popular you have to book a year in advance!! Third time’s a charm?

From Pat VE3HZQ: Tuesday September 10, 2024

Radio amateurs of canada had a 2 day aux com course over the weekend in Azilda close by Sudbury it covered quite a bit of emergency procedures  etc

From Rob N8BEG: Wednesday August 24, 2024

Lately, been working on finishing my Family Tree. It’s a project that has spanned 25 years. I am printing and Packaging it for release to my Family. Once that’s out of the way, its back to the HF Receiver project that I have on Breadboard. It is based upon a si5351 RF Generator module and an Arduino NANO. This, along with a 128×64 Digital display, drives a NE602 mixer/RF Amp and LM386 Audio amp. Tuning is accomplished thru the NANO and an Optical Encoder. Going to be an ultra portable multi band Direct Conversion Rec’vr that I can use to monitor CW at night. Great to fall asleep to ! 73 all…..Rob N8BEG

From Rick WN3T: Sunday August 18, 2024

I worked Jarvis Island N5J on 17cw, 20ssb, and 30cw. 30 meters was the most challenging since I ran only 100w and I don’t have the greatest antenna for 30.

From Rich VE3YW: Sunday August 11, 2024

I am enjoying the DX as usual. Managed to get YI5THA in Basra Iraq the other day on SSB and have it confirmed. The 9K’s out of Kuwait have been strong on 20 meters of late in the evenings as well as the HZ’s in Saudi Arabia. Still waiting for openings again. Band is poor tonight with the A index at 28 again, must be another flare.

From Ken VE3KRX: Sunday August 11, 2024

I am at camp, arrived today after waiting 2 days of heavy rain.

My setup at home is 1 antenna and at camp 1 alpha delta and 1 hi gain vertical.

Deborah and I went fishing this afternoon and limited out with Walleye. She caught the most and biggest!

That’s my story today

From John VA3OW: Sunday August 11, 2024

New 40m delta loop was well worth hooking up here.
I’m feeding it with approx 40ft of ladder line -450 ohm stuff and a homebrew 4 to 1 current balun then into the radio room with rg11a coax approx 25 ft.
The tip of the triangle is at 40 ft and the base is 15ft.
Feed point is halfway on one side.
The loop slopes at 45deg to the West.