CJ has been a ham since June 2020 finally deciding to study for my ham license during the Pandemic. I have been involved in the Fire and EMS service as volunteer since 1992. Radios have always been a part of my life as my father was also a long time volunteer firefighter/EMT and the scanner was always on. After passing the technician test I met with a fellow ham and picked up a Kenwood TS-2000 and that was when I knew studying for the general test was a must. I passed the General exam in November 2020.
After finally getting my G5RV set up in November 2021 I was finally on the HF bands and found a lot of enjoyment utilizing SSB and FT8 to make contacts. In 2022 I decided it was time to work on achieving Amateur Extra and began studying. I successfully passed the exam in July 2022. I tend to do more hunting or replying than CQ CQ calls, but I am starting to work on the task of creating my own pile-up.
The picture shows me at my first Field Day, June 2020 a few weeks after passing my Technician test. The second photo is my son and I working a house fire in November 2021.
Outside of Fire and EMS I previsouly served as a Board Member to the Livingston Little League & Softball organization and presently serving my sons scout troop in Livingston, NJ as an Assistant Scoutmaster.
(Ed. Note – CJ has volunteered his web page expertise to the CANAM Net and redesigned our page to what you see today. Thanks much CJ – K2KA Net Manager)

A more recent phone of KD2TZX working Field Day from home in June 2023 – Unfortunately the weather predictions called for
lots of storms and possible thunder and lighting and a decision was made to work the day from our homes. Despite this
a good time was had by CJ and other club operators working the event. We hope 2024 brings better weather.
Below pics are from CJ with his sons this past weekend 10/22, 23, 2024 in NJ firefighting.