Rob N8BEG and da Grinch and Cat in the Hat at the Senior Center Christmas Party 2023
Rob N8BEG (left) and Stray W8SCS met for lunch
Tonya and Stray W8SCS say Merry Xmas to the CANAM Net.
Doug VE3GVW new (old) SB220. Doug says he found it in a pile of junk, bought it chassis only and was able to find a face plate. It works awesome. 1700w 120VAC.
Winter view, 16" snow, from K2KA ham shack window! Welcome to the North Pole!
When it and I were at Ft Sill in 1971, it got hit by a self propelled howitzer. The Army replaced the sheet metal, bumpers, hood, headlights, grill and cooling system. It was at the Lawton OK Ford dealer for almost 3 weeks. Fortunately the frame wasn't bent. It just pushed me aside. And I was pulled off the road ! This is the car brand new in my aunt and uncle's driveway in 1968.That's my 60-something cousin. From Jim WA8SDF
Don N8JIW now a SK. We will miss you on 7153 Esquire.
Another photo of Don N8JIW SK with some TC Net guys.
Picture of Paul K3PSD SK. We miss Paul on our net.
WN3T Hexbeam on January 3rd, 2022, right after we had a heavy wet snow, and I thought my hexbeam was a goner, it looked like a twisted pretzel!
But the very next morning, after the sun came out, the snow melted, and it just popped right back into normal shape, pic
From Rich VE3YW thanks Rich. Went to Shrewsbury on the shore of Lake Erie Monday April 8 2024, in the full path of the solar eclipse. Using my 600mm telephoto Nikon Lens Aperture f11, ISO 100, and shutter speed 250 I managed to capture the full glory of the total eclipse of the sun at 3:15 local time. The sky went DARK and the temperature dropped by 10 deg F during the 4 minutes of totality. My best image.
At K2KA after a tornado.
CANAM Net meet at Xenia (Dayton) 2024 l-r VE3HZQ, VE3MXG, VE3YW, WB2TJO thanks Rich for coord and Jim for banner
Rick WN3T at 930am (June 1) this morning to go to a small ham fest nearby in Manassas Virginia. The weather was perfect 80° and sunny attached is a picture of me at the hamfest wearing my CanAm tee shirt. Ed. Note: Looking great Rick!!
VE3IDS "canned ham "QCX40 40 meter radio
Ram / KE8UEX & Jason / KN4AL at POTA Regional Meeting in Michigan on 06/08/2024.
Ram / KE8UEX trying out his new Elecraft KH1 transceiver at a POTA park in MI on 06/08/2024.
Thanks to DJ VA3KBC for this live broadcast on June 15, 2024 of the CANAM Net.
Pic from Germaine N8WDG: He took this group through WGVU (Grand Valley State University) TV and Radio station. Most pictured in this photo are from a company called E3compliance, and the guy in the orange shirt is my friend Al W8WW who has been my friend for over 50 years, who manages radio station WRWW FM at Lowell High School. WRWW 92.3 FM was found and built with the help of amateur operators several years ago. WRWW operates 24/7, and streams at Old time rock and roll. Four people in the picture are licensed hams.
Stray W8SCS hacksaw Cootie / Sideswiper key
The hacksaw Cootie / Sideswiper key another view
VA3PYC QRP-Labs QCX mini
Rick WN3T at Berryville Hamfest
Another Berryville HF pic
Dick K2KA G5RV at 50 ft.
VE3KRX shack at cottage
Another pic for VE3KRX/P
V iew of Ken's (VE3KRX) lake front 130 feet 1.3 acres over all. Very nice.
Very bad Tstorms at K2KA's QTH last night August 15, 2024. 430 lightning strikes last evening. No direct hits here fortunately.
Justin KG2RG and Mike WB2FIE meet up.
SS Keewatin VA3VGC .So far during its’ first season on display here in Kingston, the ship has seen in excess of 17,000 visitors. Restoration and maintenance of the ship is still in progress and will likely be ongoing for the foreseeable future. Amongst other projects we are building a display for staging of the original Spark-gap radio equipment acquired by the Toronto Marine Museum from Keewatin’s sister ship
Pieter Johannes Kooiman VE3NXE, Royal Dutch Navy and Merchant Marine Radio Officer who graciously donated most of the equipment for establishing the current VA3VGC station…enjoying operation of his equipment now onboard SS Keewatin.
Ron VE3FMW (left) and John VA3OW on the Thursday Can Am net from Archer qth. VE3FMW and VA3OW join forces at last .
Above pictures of WN3T’s two favorite keys that are used all the time which are hooked up to the 7610. Most recent acquisition is the straight key which is a Bengali sculpture arrow. The paddle is a Begali sculpture mono single lever paddle that I’ve had for a while.
Picture of AU 10/10/2024 from W8SCS.
W8SCS another pic of AU
Another pic from Stray.
W8SCS pic of AU 1/10/24
John VA3OW Prototype of demo blade key - going to change to a regular blade to see if it might give a little faster action. This one seems limited to around 20wpm.
Key used by Justin KG2RG today the 25th.of October 2024. The US Signal Core J-5-A flame proof key used in WWI aviation.
This picture needs no words.
Ken's VE3KRX new SB200 thanks to KG2RG, WB2TJO and others to deliver
Pic from Stray W8SCS: Made my first ever bug QSO today with VE3BRL without too many mistakes lol. It is approximately a 1973 Vibroplex Champion Bug based on their S/N historical data at Vibroplex’s site. Found it on eBay for $105 from a Ham in Minnesota. In the pics I’ve used a small binder clip w/ a Sierra MatchKing .308 caliber 180gr bullet to slow the dits down to about 18-20wpm lol
6 Meters from K2KA 11/5/2024
K2KA 6M to EU today 11/5/2024
6M from K2KA 11/11/2024
W8SCS Stray is trying out a new to me, 1940 McElroy Deluxe 600 bug that I received today from a purchase I made from another Michigan HAM operator, WA3LKN on eBay. So far, I think it is adjusted well enough to get it on the air for tomorrow's net. It's pretty neat to have a piece of history like this in my shack!!
7J4AAL full size 5 el 80M Yagi at 180ft!!
At 1012pm Dec. 12, this BIG guy was caught going up the driveway to the barn at K2KA’s QTH.
AK on 6M #50 note sig -8 then -25 for his 73!!!
A white Xmas at K2KA
Eugene VE3SSR mobile setup
WN3T's new RE 28 Controller along with the Electrovoice RE 20 mic arrived today just finished hooking it all up. Took a while to assemble it, but I did some on the air testing with my friend John W3JEB in Delaware and he said it sounded real good. Looking forward to testing it out on the net tomorrow.
My sons, their families and I just got home from a camping trip at the Imperial Sand Dunes, just west of Yuma, Az. We had a lot of fun! Patti KE7IR
Patti KE7IR at Imperial Sand Dunes AZ
Great pic of the USS JFK and the twin towers
My callsign was AB1A until 2016 when I got K2KA this is the DXCC Challenge Plaque with new 2500 medallion.
The farm at WB2TJO
WB2TJO XYL Nancy KC2KOS and snow
So for the month when I heard them I decided to give it a ride.... Finished 457th in the states.
VE3JGK Here’s me in the cold. If you look closely at the picnic table between the trees, you’ll see my antenna on it.
VE3JGK portable station
Germaine N8WDG's cat is learning ham radio!
KD2TZX in Montreal where the 4 Nations Face-Off for the NHL took place
Patti KE7IR/VE3 at Yuma AZ hamfest and she won a IC7300 (congrats Patti)
At K2KA’s place in Westford MA, a video of a bear checking out our bird bath. He flips it over ad checks underneath. I guess the bear did not get the memo about hibernation. LOL.
At N8WDG and Lowell MI school, These are the three D printed boxes designed to hold the CW circuit boards doanted by Justin KG2RG. Two engineers made these boxes for the kids project. Next will be their soldering class and the assembly.
Here is K2KA with the winter growth (beard and hair). Given it's March 6 and temp is near 60F, it may be soon all gone? Stay tuned for the "clean" pic of K2KA.
Rick WN3T went to a local hamfest this morning in Vienna, Virginia. Didn’t buy anything, but I met a Fairfax County Police auxiliary police officer that had his cruiser parked in the parking lot, real nice guy, he was also a ham. He gave me the grand tour of his cruiser and even let me try on his tactical police vest. Pretty cool. (ed. note: Rick is the tough guy on the right!)
Germaine N8WDG teaching the fourth Technician licensing class for 6 weeks at Lowell MI Litehouse YMCA . Interesting class I have four female software engineers taking the tech class. They seem to be in their 20's. (ed. Note: Thanks Germaine for helping a new generation into the greatest hobby)