Rick WN3T at 930am (June 1) this morning to go to a small ham fest nearby in Manassas Virginia. The weather was perfect 80° and sunny attached is a picture of me at the hamfest wearing my CanAm tee shirt. Ed. Note: Looking great Rick!!
Thanks to DJ VA3KBC for this live broadcast on June 15, 2024 of the CANAM Net.
Above pictures of WN3T’s two favorite keys that are used all the time which are hooked up to the 7610. Most recent acquisition is the straight key which is a Bengali sculpture arrow. The paddle is a Begali sculpture mono single lever paddle that I’ve had for a while.
7J4AAL full size 5 el 80M Yagi at 180ft!!
At 1012pm Dec. 12, this BIG guy was caught going up the driveway to the barn at K2KA’s QTH.