Bob - W2FN

I was first licensed in 1961 as WN2DKI. I came back to the hobby in 1990 after I got married – then KB2LCE. I upgraded to General in March of 1998, and got my Amateur Extra in May of that same year, just barely passing the 20 WPM code test
I’ve met some very nice people through amateur radio over the years, and know that by and large they and the many others like them far outnumber the folks who are less than courteous on the air. In particular, I remember many hams who were genuinely conciliatory and encouraging during the period when the Buffalo Bills lost four consecutive Superbowl’s. Hams from all around the country who I talked to had something nice to say about the team. And that illustrates one of the interesting things about this hobby – it’s not only technical – its really a very social hobby.
I’m a retired professional engineer, and my degree is in electrical engineering. I spent most of my career in engineering management in the Architectural/Engineering field, and taught as an adjunct for 26 years at the SUNY Buffalo School of Architecture. I confess that I’ve forgotten half of what I learned in college, and find that the half that I still remember is largely obsolete.
My XYL, Debi, is the love of my life. We were married in 1983, and over the intervening years, our love affair has only gotten stronger. Debi is a retired Lutheran Pastor, and served a church with an average attendance (pre-Covid) of about 150 people for over fifteen years. She’s really quite special. I adore her!