Each week the Net Manager K2KA sends out an email to all active members soliciting comments about their world. Below are some of the comments received so far. Please send all comments to k2ka@canamnet7153.com

From Mike WB2FIE: October 6, 2024

No Aurora here..It was Thunder Storming & Lightniing Til aout 10 Pm then Cloudy. Have a Great week. WB2TJO must have had one Heck of a time with the Storm coming thru his place !!!!

From Dave K8VOK: October 6, 2024

After the last few years of floods in my area I was thinking of setting up a low pwr FM or AM station for my area. If you know anyone with some info on this send them my way. Seems I read somewhere it is ok as long as i keep the pwr down.

From Don VE3KII: October 6, 2024

Thanks for the October 6, 2024 Check-in and 1st. time files. Your Aurora photo is nice. Unfortunately, we have to much light pollution, so did not see anything. Right now we are having a small electrical storm,. Lots of lightning and thunder and a bit of rain.

From Eugene VE3SSR: October 6, 2024

Thanks for the e-mail. I had not seen aurora, but enjoying overwhelming opening on 12 and 10m bands. Next week I am in Texas and most possibly will be unable to participate the net. Usually I am busy during net hours and my mobile setup is not powerful enough to reach the net from Texas. Will try anyway.

From CJ KD2TZX: October 2, 2024

Referring to CJ’s Sep. 28 comment, wife and a crew of friends wanted to do big trip for the people turning 50, so that was Punta Cana. Now the NJ Devils are already in Prague to open the season and my oldest said he was going.  He got there Sunday. So now tomorrow I will fly there to meet him and watch the games. (ed. Note CJ is now a world traveler.)

From Aldo VA3AG: October 1, 2024

The IPO in the FT-991A does not work and also ATT does not work The 991A is on it’s way to Yaesu to be repaired.
There is a resistor at the front end rated for a 1/10th of a watt that blows when there are other transmitters near by, the 991a does not have to be on for this to happen all that it needs is for an antenna to be connected to it. It is covered under the warranty so no problem.

From Jim WB2TJO: October 1, 2024

We, as NCS and Loggers, always wonder how we are doing and looking for advice to do a better job.  As far as early hand offs from the TC Net, I always monitor their net at least 1/2 hour before scheduled hand off.  I get a sense of band conditions and number of check ins.  If check in numbers appear low, I anticipate an early hand off and open up Netlogger for our net a bit early.  We have to just “go with the flow”.  (ed. Note: Thanks Jim for your wisdom)

From Don VE3KII: September 29, 2024

Good to hear that you (K2KA) have a cooperative power company and your noise problem is gone. Not sure if it is a sign of the season but a huge wild turkey walked down our street yesterday. Just like he was out for an afternoon stroll.   Thanks for the September 28 2024 updated files.   Beautiful day here at 72 F. Thoughts and prayers go out to all those h who have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. It will be a long time before things get back to some semblance of normal.

From Rick WN3T: September 28, 2024

The rain gauge on my Acurite weather station died, after working flawlessly for about 8 years, so I just went ahead and ordered a new weather station (same model) from Walmart, received the new one yesterday and got it up and running with no issues. Hopefully the new one will last at least 8 years or more!

From CJ KD2TZX: September 28, 2024

CJ is down in the Dominican Republic enjoying the heat and humidity. See his picture “here”

From Dick K2KA: September 28, 2024

Well my (K2KA) S9 QRN is gone. I had this noise for a couple months. I sent an email to the local electric company and they came out and fixed it. The bands have been pretty good lately. I worked 7Q Malawi and E6 Niue on 10M yesterday. Starting to do the fall projects getting ready for winter. Today will be sealing the deck attached to my screened in three season porch. November is a busy DXpedition month. Go to http://dx-world.net  click on the Featured DXpeditions Timeline. I print this out and keep it with what bands I need them on. Really helps. Lately constantly searching for new band countries. 6M has been pretty dead here. The F2 openings have not made it here. Has anyone worked anything interesting on 6 these days?

From Dick K2KA: September 24, 2024

Sad news from Greg AA2SX. He lost his dog. Had Cushings and needed to be put down. Thoughts and condolences to Greg and family. We get so attached to animals and they don’t live long enough. Lost many horses and 2 dogs here. Still miss them.

From Dave VA3CP: September 22, 2024

Not much happening here other than I have  my leg surgery date of October 11 when they are going to remove the hardware in my right leg, clean up whatever is  preventing the two parts of the tibia from knitting back together then reassemble everything.  It will be three years this coming February when I broke the tibia and fibula in my right leg on some black ice a few blocks from home.  (Ed. Note we all wish you the best of luck and prayers your way for a 100% fix and speedy recovery.)

From Jim WB2TJO: September 22, 2024

Dick-received your email just fine.  Thanks for all the info.  My health insurance is not on Groupers list but I sent them information like you did.  We’ll see what happens! (Ed. Note I actually did get on the site and my Aetna plan is covered. I have the Aetna Medicare  Advantage Plan. K2KA.)

From Ken VE3KRX: September 22, 2024

You will be happy to know I am buying an SB200 from Justin KG2RG, Jim WB2TJO is helping coordinate the purchase. Thanks Justin and Jim.

From Ron VE3FMW: September 22, 2024

Ron was nominated the spotlight member for this week. He says thanks dick and all who checkin to the canam net …   as the doctor ordered … “always start your day with a dose of cw!” 

From Rick WN3T and Dick K2KA: September 22, 2024

FYI, We never heard of Grouper association with the ARRL, but we just signed up and it accepted us. Rick has AARP United Health Care Supplemental Medicare insurance. Dick also signed up and has Aetna Medicare Advantage. We hope we get $50 and the $20 every three months for our involvement in the CANAM Net. Check it out: Click Here

From Rick WN3T: September 17, 2024

Rich VE3YW will be in Cornwall UK for 2 weeks using his callsign G0TZD keep an ear out for him on the HF bands.

From CJ KD2TZX: September 16, 2024

Spent some time down in Wildwood, NJ at the Firefighters Convention.

From Dick K2KA: Sunday September 15, 2024

I have been working the ARRL VHF/UHF Contest Sep 14 and 15. It End’s at 0259z Monday.  Yesterday I worked  a bunch of 2M including 7 states. 1 contact on 70cm. It’s fun to operate these bands that I do not regularly frequent. Hoping for some ES openings on 6. Worked 7 states as well on 6. No ES opening tho. Yesterday on 6 worked as far south as PA. On 2 and 70cm I am using the FT991A with 10el yagi on 2 and 20 element yagi on 70 cm both atop the house at 30 feet. On 6 meters the radio is a IC-7610 and ACOM 700s amp. I have a 7 element yagi on a 30 foot boom at 40 feet atop my barn. This antenna runs super well. Final number 50 Q’s and 24 multipliers (different grid squares). 

From Dick K2KA: Tuesday September 10, 2024

Was supposed to take a CT River Cruise to see swallows on Saturday. Second year in a row it was cancelled because of weather ☹ A front came though just at the time the cruise would start!! Click this >> https://ctriverquest.com/portfolio/swallow/ .Fortunately we had alternate plans to tour Niantic CT, cozy little sea town. Maybe next year. It’s so popular you have to book a year in advance!! Third time’s a charm?

From Pat VE3HZQ: Tuesday September 10, 2024

Radio amateurs of canada had a 2 day aux com course over the weekend in Azilda close by Sudbury it covered quite a bit of emergency procedures  etc

From Rob N8BEG: Wednesday August 24, 2024

Lately, been working on finishing my Family Tree. It’s a project that has spanned 25 years. I am printing and Packaging it for release to my Family. Once that’s out of the way, its back to the HF Receiver project that I have on Breadboard. It is based upon a si5351 RF Generator module and an Arduino NANO. This, along with a 128×64 Digital display, drives a NE602 mixer/RF Amp and LM386 Audio amp. Tuning is accomplished thru the NANO and an Optical Encoder. Going to be an ultra portable multi band Direct Conversion Rec’vr that I can use to monitor CW at night. Great to fall asleep to ! 73 all…..Rob N8BEG

From Rick WN3T: Sunday August 18, 2024

I worked Jarvis Island N5J on 17cw, 20ssb, and 30cw. 30 meters was the most challenging since I ran only 100w and I don’t have the greatest antenna for 30.

From Rich VE3YW: Sunday August 11, 2024

I am enjoying the DX as usual. Managed to get YI5THA in Basra Iraq the other day on SSB and have it confirmed. The 9K’s out of Kuwait have been strong on 20 meters of late in the evenings as well as the HZ’s in Saudi Arabia. Still waiting for openings again. Band is poor tonight with the A index at 28 again, must be another flare.  

From Ken VE3KRX: Sunday August 11, 2024

I am at camp, arrived today after waiting 2 days of heavy rain.

My setup at home is 1 antenna and at camp 1 alpha delta and 1 hi gain vertical.

Deborah and I went fishing this afternoon and limited out with Walleye. She caught the most and biggest!

That’s my story today

From John VA3OW: Sunday August 11, 2024

New 40m delta loop was well worth hooking up here.
I’m feeding it with approx 40ft of ladder line -450 ohm stuff and a homebrew 4 to 1 current balun then into the radio room with rg11a coax approx 25 ft.
The tip of the triangle is at 40 ft and the base is 15ft.
Feed point is halfway on one side.
The loop slopes at 45deg to the West.